Mode Map

By Lisa Barry

Tuesday 13 November 2018

The Perfect Night Sleep In Collaboration With Leesa Mattress

There’s one thing I love, and that’s a good night sleep. Is there anything better than coming home from a long day at work and cuddling up under your duvet watching Netflix and it’s even better when you feeling like your lying on a giant marshmallow Aka the Leesa mattress 

For the last 30 days I’ve been sleeping on the Leesa mattress and each morning I wake feeling refreshed after the most perfect night sleep! On my old mattress I used to always have muscle aches in my back and neck and now I’m only realizing it was probably due to no support in the mattress itself!

 This company is also amazing for what they give back to those in need,donating one mattress for every ten they sell. With 30,000+ mattresses donated already!

What I also found interesting about this mattress is how it was package. As you can see from the picture above it’s in a box, this is because it’s vacuum packed and when you open it, it’s flat on the bed-frame but the minute you cut the plastic wrapping from around it, it begins to form it’s shape within seconds!

I would definitely recommend the Leesa mattress to anyone who is moving in to a new house,like myself or just want a change from their old spring infested mattress.... I would not recommend anything because I have too. This company asked me to give my 100% unbiased/ honest opinion and I can honestly say I’ve never had a better night sleep 

If you are interested in purchasing a Leesa Mattress, I have a discount code for you - Just enter  MODEMAP at checkout to receive €100 off


Wednesday 4 July 2018


What and who is this so called perfect girl/guy?

Each day we are surrounded by pictures, videos and advertisements of what the ideal us should really be.... and that’s something I have a major problem with. I know the beauty and fashion industry have to survive that way but do they really need to display on going images of an unrealistic perception of beauty.
Lately I find myself judging every part of my face and body. My face has acne scars so I cover them up with makeup. My bums not big enough so I must start doing more squats not to mention the cellulite on my legs, my boobs aren’t big enough therefore I must wear a certain bra to make them look better, my hair is not perfect so I must spend a good hour trying to make it look somewhat Instagram-able, My skin isn’t as tanned as I would like it to be so I cover up my natural skin tone to make myself look and feel better. 
And what’s wrong with all this?

Everything ….

Girls and Guys have to conform each day to a certain idealistic beauty regime. And if not it’s mostly frowned upon and judged. Trying to keep up with all the latest trends and having the newest products on the market and trying  to look a certain way starts to take a toll on you after a while! There is no point sacrificing your true self, to gain acceptance off others! All you end up doing is losing your individuality and in a few years time when you need that individuality in a certain career, course or life it will be very hard to reclaim after years of masking it with replications of other people’s looks.

Its time to start loving and accepting who you are and who you’ve become! I know it can be hard to keep off this idealistic path but at the end of the day instead of following this path, why not create your own!One of my goals for  the rest of 2018 and for the next few years is to start loving myself more. It’s time to start believing in my abilities and creativity. I’ve spent too long bottling it up. At nearly twenty three years of age when I’m finally at a stage where I know who I am, even if I don’t know what career or life path I am taking yet, I still know who I am as a person.


 I decided I would do my first workout today and let me tell you I was out of breath in minutes, which was really weird to me as I have been fit for all my teen years. I have let my body down a lot lately, finding out that my cholesterol is crazy high for my age, something that could have a very negative effect on my health. 

This is something I want and have to change. I not only want to exercise to become stronger I also think exercise will help make me stronger mentally.

So in the coming weeks I will be documenting my progress and I suppose all I can say is we'll see how it goes!

Much Love

Individuality and self love is to key to success in my opinion!


Wednesday 11 April 2018

🌴 Isle Of Paradise🌴Tan Review

Hey hey, I'm back writing blog posts again. I know its been ages since I last posted but work has been full on. However I'm managing my time better these day and I even had time to bronze myself up! 
I like tanning but I don't like the cons of tanning, the orange patchy skin around dry areas that I normally get no matter how much moisturiser I put on, the horrid odour that comes off my skin as I sleep with tan on and waking up in the morning to bed sheets the colour of cheese puffs.
All of these are problems of the past now that I have found this miracle worker! New on the market Isle Of Paradise tanning water. No Odour, No stains, Streak free and it leaves you feeling like a bronzed goddess! 

I Started off with the Prep it self tan priming spray, with ingredients such as coconut and avocado its bound to give your skin a good base for tan. All you have to do is spray it all over your body and leave to dry. Then apply whatever tan you chose from Isle of Paradise 
I chose the dark tanning water, and I wasn't disappointed. I love the results. Five days on the tan is still going strong. Also may I just add how even it is around my feet normally I find it very hard to apply my tan around my ankles and heels, whatever I do it always seems to grab on to dry areas and gather around my ankles. Not this time, I was so surprised to see the tan was so perfect on my feet I have a feeling it has to do with the primer I put on before hand. 

2 hours developing 

Overall I would say this is the best tan I have tried to date. It has so many PROS! So if you're looking for a new tan you heard it here, It's amazing. Just make sure to shave and exfoliate 24 hours before to achieve the best results.

Thank you for taking the time to read my post, 

Until next time when you're all bronzy and glowing 

Xx Lisa B 


Wednesday 1 November 2017

Eyes On You

 So it’s that time of year again, where we can wrap up in front of the fire with some cozy knits and a cuppa to keep us nice and warm away from this Irish winter that we dread so much every year!  How-ever we can’t live like hermits and hibernate for the whole winter so when we go out we have to make some bit of an effort, while staying warm and stylish. I don’t know about you but my winter style so far, I always end up feeling like layers of clothes just throw up on me with out matching what so ever! This year I am dedicated to putting in the extra effort.

This outfit represents  how I would like my style to be this winter, dark with some quirky embellishments, colours and textures. Just because the winter is dark and dull, doesn’t mean our style has to be!

In the coming weeks I hope to give you some tips and display some of my online favourites with you! So stay tuned for some more ranting about the weather and how cold I am! I am Irish after all that’s what we talk about 90% of the time! I will try to keep my blog winter blues free!

Jumper : Zara 
Pants    : Zara
Bag      : YSL
               Shoes   : Michael Kors 


Monday 14 August 2017

Lilac Lust

I'm back again finally with an outfit post and hopefully one of many now that Joe(aka-bf) has agreed to be my photographer! This outfit probably has my favourite details to date.  My 22nd birthday has just gone and I received this beautiful rose gold Cluse watch off my boyfriend Joe. I've always wanted a nice watch but just never got around to buying one but I'm lucky enough to have an amazing thoughtful fella on my arm! However I still find myself taking out my phone to check the time even though its wrapped around my wrist.

Hope you enjoyed this weeks outfit post, make sure to follow me on Instagram for some more pictures @lisacampionbarry

Thanks again for taking the time to click a link to read or if you just happened to come by my blog. I really appreciate all the kind words!

Also I would like to apologise in advance to bank account for the trauma its going to endure while on Asos and Zara tonight but hey.. at least you'll get to see a few more outfit post

Until next time,
Lisa Xx

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