By Lisa Barry

Wednesday, 4 July 2018


What and who is this so called perfect girl/guy?

Each day we are surrounded by pictures, videos and advertisements of what the ideal us should really be.... and that’s something I have a major problem with. I know the beauty and fashion industry have to survive that way but do they really need to display on going images of an unrealistic perception of beauty.
Lately I find myself judging every part of my face and body. My face has acne scars so I cover them up with makeup. My bums not big enough so I must start doing more squats not to mention the cellulite on my legs, my boobs aren’t big enough therefore I must wear a certain bra to make them look better, my hair is not perfect so I must spend a good hour trying to make it look somewhat Instagram-able, My skin isn’t as tanned as I would like it to be so I cover up my natural skin tone to make myself look and feel better. 
And what’s wrong with all this?

Everything ….

Girls and Guys have to conform each day to a certain idealistic beauty regime. And if not it’s mostly frowned upon and judged. Trying to keep up with all the latest trends and having the newest products on the market and trying  to look a certain way starts to take a toll on you after a while! There is no point sacrificing your true self, to gain acceptance off others! All you end up doing is losing your individuality and in a few years time when you need that individuality in a certain career, course or life it will be very hard to reclaim after years of masking it with replications of other people’s looks.

Its time to start loving and accepting who you are and who you’ve become! I know it can be hard to keep off this idealistic path but at the end of the day instead of following this path, why not create your own!One of my goals for  the rest of 2018 and for the next few years is to start loving myself more. It’s time to start believing in my abilities and creativity. I’ve spent too long bottling it up. At nearly twenty three years of age when I’m finally at a stage where I know who I am, even if I don’t know what career or life path I am taking yet, I still know who I am as a person.


 I decided I would do my first workout today and let me tell you I was out of breath in minutes, which was really weird to me as I have been fit for all my teen years. I have let my body down a lot lately, finding out that my cholesterol is crazy high for my age, something that could have a very negative effect on my health. 

This is something I want and have to change. I not only want to exercise to become stronger I also think exercise will help make me stronger mentally.

So in the coming weeks I will be documenting my progress and I suppose all I can say is we'll see how it goes!

Much Love

Individuality and self love is to key to success in my opinion!


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